End of Chapter 1
Posted June 11, 2022 at 9:06 pm

Hey, welcome to the first chapter of Elephant Town! If you've landed on this page and want to read from the beginning, you can start here, or click that "First Chapter" button at the far left below the comic.

If you're a patron of mine, you know that I've been sharing new Elephant Town pages every Monday for the last two years. We're already about 200 pages into this book, but it's gonna be a long book, so strap in!

I'll share the next chapter on this site every Monday until we've caught up to the chapter I'm working on (I'm in the middle of chapter 12 right now), at which point you can keep reading the story every Monday at the $2/month level on Patreon (this entire graphic novel is being funded by patrons!).

You can sign up for an email whenever a new chapter goes up on this site, which should be every two months-ish, depending on the length of the chapter. There's an RSS option, too, for that old-school dawn-of-webcomics vibe.

We should have a comment section up soon, since comments have remained shockingly civil over at Girls With Slingshots (you know I'm still posting daily GWS reruns with commentary over there, right?? I call them "chasers" because I think I'm clever).

For the time being, feel free to comment on Patreon if you're a patron, or @ me up on Twitter or Instagram, or send me an email. :)

We'll meet Paul next Monday, for better or for worse. See ya then!


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