Thanks for your patience with this update! (And thanks to the person who made a comment yesterday asking when the next update would go up! Sometimes I need a nudge.)
I took a nice long break after I finished this chapter, because this is roughly the halfway point. Elephant Town is now over 300 pages in, and this book is gonna be THIIICCCC.
If you're a patron of mine on Patreon, you may have noticed a few changes to this chapter, especially on the last page. I made a post about it tonight (and included photos of the original art for this page, too - I really wanted to make Berto's clouds of music pop off the page, so I busted out the Xacto knife and rubber cement, art school style).
(Cat hair is included in every piece of original art I sell.)
If you're not a patron of mine, I post daily autobio comics up there every Friday for the cheapest tier ($2/month, or $22.80/year), and Elephant Town pages go up early there, too.
Here's the tier breakdown again (there's a 5% discount if you buy a whole year's pass!):
The next chapter is a challenge for me to draw, so it'll be awhile before it's up here. But I'm hoping to have two pages done by next Monday for my patrons, so if you're over there, you'll see them soon!
Oh, and don't forget to sign up for my newsletter if you haven't already. I barely ever use it, but I'll send you notifications when new chapters go up on this website, and if I'm doing a signing or a convention somewhere. 100% chance there will be cat photos in there, too.
My studio will be a stop on the Over The Mountain Studio Tour again this year, so if you're itching for a mid-November tour of the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, this is a great reason to come out! Our doors will be open for visitors November 11 & 12 from 10-5, and you will almost certainly see between one and three of my cats. Hope you can make it. :)